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APRES Board of Directors

Bob Kemerait

Bob Kemerait

President (2024)
Rebecca Bennett

Rebecca Bennett

President-Elect (2025)

Mark Burow

Mark Burow

Past President (2024)
Maria Balota

Maria Balota

University Representative (2025)
Kira Bowen

Kira Bowen

University Representative (2024)
Kelly Chamberlain

Kelly Chamberlain

USDA ARS Representative (2026)

Emi Kimura

Emi Kimura

Southwest Region Representative (2026)

Greg Baltz

Greg Baltz

National Peanut Board (2023)

Eric Dowd

Eric Dowd

Mars Wrigley - Industry Representative (2024)

Shelly Nutt

Shelly Nutt

Grower Association Representative (2024)
Steve Brown

Steve Brown

Executive Director of the Peanut Research Foundation:
American Peanut Council (2023)
Kaylyn Reagin

Kaylyn Reagin

APRES Graduate Student Organization President (2024)

Richard Owen

Richard Owen

Executive Officer
*Terms of office are for 3-years and run from the end of the Business Meeting at the APRES Annual Meeting to the end of the following years Annual Business Meeting.
Updated October 2022